How to Start a Jewelry Store - Display Colors

Posted by Outdoor on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This was the age old argument from jewelers around the world ... What is the best color for the jewelry on? You know all the shops, shopping mall or an artist likes to use the number of display options: ramp bracelet, earring trees, doors, etc. But each has his / her own preference on what color cloth or velvet, it will make your jewelry look the best [. [/ P>

I noticed most art shows that jewelry makers like black velvet. It really makes gold and silver jump when lit from above and makes a solid gemstones such as turquoise vibrates up. But if the black looks so great, why do not you name a professional jewelry retailer who uses it? They are often used by white and ivory to display their pieces.

neutral colors are best, whether it is black or white. Pastels, navy blues and strong mixed colors will reflect negatively against a clear or light colored gemstones and precious metals have set in. Neutral colors give a true view of the gemstone color and prevent intrusive thoughts. I saw a gemstone to catch a little close to dark colors and reflect on every aspect of the stone, giving the impression of dozens of small inclusions throughout. There is no good!

is the clear winner of Ivory. This will give you a clear view of most precious stones, cabs stones and metals, including pearls. Black is okay, but not for closed jewelry store area overhead halogen lighting. All those black shows will make the whole store looks "dark", especially in the corridor. Ivory will reflect the halogen lights up toward the ceiling, giving their stories airy and inviting behavior.